We are proud to open two new exhibitions on Saturday, March 30, 3:00 - 5:00pm. Vengo en son de paz features text-based works including flags, banners, and screenprints that take root in the writings of Rául Zurita and Roberto Bolaño to explore definitions of elsewhere and what it means to belong. These works form part of República do Sur, an ongoing collaboration between Massachusetts-based writer Carlos Centeno and Bogotá-based artist Álvaro Cifuentes of Big Sur Books.
Did you notice the change? is an exhibition organized by Julia Rodenberger and Zara Hayat. Featuring work by local high school students that explores ideas of transformation and the passage of time, a pop-up version of this exhibition took place last fall at the Haverhill Art Walk, and now has been expanded and revisited with the Essex Art Center galleries in mind. Participatory workshops will provide opportunities for the public to contribute to the exhibition during its run.
-Running dates March 30 - June 1 for both exhibitions